Another revision and another day
My current project, Lana Bong’s Shanghai Market, just underwent another revision. I cut something like 10,000 words from it and then...
Another revision and another day
Creating, growing, & purposeful intention!
Q & A with Author/Editor: Michael Mohr
Birth and Book Accessories
Books and pregnancy
Q & A with Author, Erin Kettle
Inevitable Certainty
Q and A with Aspiring Author, Karen Hugg
Owning Books
Breaking through
10 more minutes . . .
Book Event: Oregon Book Awards
Aspiring Writer Q and A Series, Edition I: Beth Green, Crime Fiction Author
Entering Writing Contests
Revisions: Homestretch
Supporting art
Blogging in 2018 & when your title might not work anymore
#RevPit Bio Hop post
#777 Challenge Accepted – “American Honey”